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WebSoftware :: News Archive :: HEADLINE: WebSoftware v4.0 - WebSoftware Reloaded.
An overview of the WebSoftware v4.0 site, including new features and a description of the new layout and technologies used.
Saturday, 27 July 2024
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29th June 2004

The new WebSoftware site! Welcome to the fourth version of the WebSoftware website! Every so often we redesign our site to our user-feedback and the availability of new products with a sleek new design, and this time is no different. We've not only redesigned and moved over to ASP.NET (like our other sub-sites) but also made things more accessible and less cluttered.

Office 2003 Blue Theme

We are fascinated with blue, we reckon all websites get this magic sex-appeal with the use of blue and as you can see this site is no different. We decided to adopt the 'Office 2003' look and feel - with some modifications - as well as a very bluey theme to the entire site to keep in-line with our next generation applications which are in development that feature the renowned Office 2003 look.

New Layout

Our new layout
Figure 1.0 - The new WebSoftware layout.

As you can see the new layout is packed with useful bits and pieces for our viewers. Here are what the numbers above represent:
  1. Office 2003 Style Tabs
    These tabs show what area or section you are currently in, you can click on the section you want to goto.

  2. Heading
    The main page's heading. This will vary depending on where you are. So if you visited the HotHTML 2001 home page you will see 'HotHTML 2001 Professional' continously throughout all the pages within the HotHTML 2001 topic.

  3. Breadcrumb Navigation
    Like our last version, v4.0 includes breadcrumb navigation so you can navigate your way through to other area's that relate to the page your in.

  4. Outlook 2003 Style Navigation
    The main navigation around WebSoftware, the categories of our website are shown here, click on them to goto the main page.

  5. Current Date
    Current server date

  6. News Headlines
    Condensed News headlines feed.

  7. XML News Feed
    With our new focus on XML/XSLT we have placed our news headlines into an XML Format so other sites can consume them easily.

  8. Latest Software Versions
    Need to check if your software is upto date? We'll update this everytime we release new versions of our software - including hotfixes!

  9. Developer SDKs
    Third party developers can keep track of the latest DevSDK's released (and other SDKs)

There are things that are not mentioned in the picture, these include tooltips on most links (hover your mouse over headlines, download pages etc) and many others just waiting to be discovered!


One of the biggest additions is the new SupportCenter with our all new Knowledgebase which should help resolve common problems and queries faster because they'll be documented in our Knowledgebase when users contact us. You can also Ask A Question directly within the Knowledgebase, rate and comment(provide feedback) for each article so we can improve them.

Developers Developers Developers Developers

We're going to be continuosly updating our newly revamped DevCenter with new technical articles on our SDKs and tips and tricks for third party developers.


Our websites are now 100% ASP.NET based, with increased performance (via caching) and faster response times than before. Not only that most important areas are now provided in an XML/XSL feed so third party sites can consume the data.

Developed in HotHTML 3

It would come as no suprise that v4.0 of the WebSoftware site was written in our HotHTML 3 Professional editor. Using the power of ASP.NET in the .NET Platform we can create some truely kick ass websites.
 Latest News
WebSoftware is happy to announce that HotHTML 3 FixPack 6 has arrived with support for Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7. With this release, HotHTML 3 Professional is now completely freeware! Go download your copy today!

An update is available that includes several performance enhancements, no new bugfixes or changes are included but uses newer compilers and optimsations for newer CPUs.

WebSoftware has released FixPack 5 for HotHTML 3 Professional, includes lots of bugfixes and performance improvements.

WebSoftware has released FixPack 4 for HotHTML 3 Professional, this release is primarily a bugfix release and is recommended for all users.

WebSoftware has released FixPack 3 for HotHTML 3 Professional, with several new features such as one-click validating, indenting and auto-correcting of HTML/XHTML files and many new enhancements based on user-feedback. Click on the headline for more information!

WebSoftware has updated the hugely popular freeware version of HotHTML 2001 Professional to v1.0.10. Most of the updates include numerous performance tweaks and several bugfixes. Download a slimer, leaner and juiced up copy today!

WebSoftware is pleased to announce the FixPack 2 release of HotHTML 3 Professional. FixPack 2 includes numerous bugfixes, enhancements and feature-requests from users.

Welcome to the fourth version of the WebSoftware site. Sporting an all new look and feel - in an Office 2003 theme, breadcrumb navigation, new SupportCenter and our Knowledgebase and much more! To learn about the new features click on the headline!

Click here to get an XML Feed of the latest news headlines from our site
 Product Versions
HotHTML 3.0 Professional
v1.0.3389 (FixPack 6)

HotHTML 2001 Professional
v1.0.11b (Final)

 Developer SDK
HotHTML 3.0 Professional
v1.0.0 (Revision 8)

HotHTML 2001 Professional
v1.0.0 (Revision 2)

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Powered by ASP.NET, developed on WebSoftware HotHTML 3 Professional.
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